What is a Good Monthly Retirement Income?

Retirement is a phase of life that many of us look forward to. But, to enjoy our golden years, we must have a good monthly retirement income. A good monthly retirement income ensures that we can maintain our standard of living without any financial worries. So, what is a good monthly retirement income, and how much do you need to save for it? In this guide, we will answer all your questions and provide actionable tips to plan for retirement.

What is a Good Monthly Retirement Income? A Comprehensive Guide

A good monthly retirement income is the money you need to live comfortably in retirement. It should cover all your living expenses, including housing, food, healthcare, transportation, entertainment, and other miscellaneous expenses. The amount you need for a good monthly retirement income depends on several factors, such as:

  1. Your lifestyle: Your lifestyle plays a significant role in determining your retirement income. If you have expensive tastes, you will need a higher retirement income than someone happy with a frugal lifestyle.
  2. Your location: The cost of living varies from place to place. If you live in an expensive city, you will need a higher retirement income to maintain your standard of living.
  3. Your health: Healthcare costs can be a significant expense in retirement. You will need a higher retirement income to cover your medical expenses if you have a chronic health condition.
  4. Inflation: Inflation can erode the value of your retirement savings over time. You need to factor in inflation when calculating your retirement income.

So, what is a good monthly retirement income? According to experts, you should aim for a retirement income of 70-80% of your pre-retirement income. For example, if your pre-retirement income is $60,000, your retirement income should be $42,000-$48,000 per year or $3,500-$4,000 monthly.

How to Plan for a Good Monthly Retirement Income?

Now that you know what is a good monthly retirement income, let’s discuss how to plan for it.

  1. Start early: The earlier you start saving for retirement, the more time your money has to grow. Aim to save at least 15% of your pre-tax income for retirement.
  2. Invest wisely: Investing your retirement savings in a diversified portfolio can help you earn higher returns. Consult a financial advisor to create an investment plan that suits your needs.
  3. Reduce your expenses: If you can live a frugal lifestyle, you can save more for retirement. Identify areas where you can reduce expenses, such as eating out, travel, and entertainment.
  4. Pay off debt: Paying off debt, such as credit card debt and mortgage, can free up more money for retirement savings.
  5. Consider working longer: Working for a few extra years can help you save more for retirement and delay your Social Security benefits, which can increase your monthly benefit amount.


Retirement is an exciting time but can also be stressful if you’re not financially prepared. Determining what is a good monthly retirement income will depend on several factors, including your lifestyle, expenses, and health care costs. By saving early, maximizing your contributions, and considering working longer, you can ensure enough savings to enjoy your golden years.

Additionally, it’s important to avoid common mistakes, such as underestimating expenses and failing to save enough. These tips can set you up for a comfortable and financially secure retirement.