Decoding The 80 10 10 Rule of Money?

Money is one of the most important resources in life. It is essential for meeting our basic needs, fulfilling our aspirations, and building the life we want. However, managing money can be challenging, especially if we don’t have a clear plan or strategy. This is where financial principles such as the 80 10 10 rule of money can come in handy. This article will explore this rule, its benefits, and how you can use it to achieve financial wellness.

What Is The 80 10 10 Rule of Money? A Guide To Financial Wellness

The 80 10 10 rule of money is a financial principle that suggests dividing your income into three categories: 80% for expenses, 10% for savings, and 10% for investments. This rule is also known as the 80/10/10 rule or the 10/10/80 rule.

The concept behind this rule is simple: prioritize your expenses, savings, and investments to align with your financial goals. By allocating 80% of your income towards your expenses, you can cover your basic needs, such as housing, food, transportation, and other bills. The remaining 20% of your income should be divided into 10% for savings and 10% for investments.

The 10% savings portion is meant for building your emergency fund, paying off debt, or saving for short-term goals such as a vacation or a down payment on a home. The 10% investment portion is meant for long-term financial goals such as retirement, college education for your children, or wealth accumulation.

The Benefits of The 80 10 10 Rule of Money:

The 80 10 10 rule of money has several benefits that can help you achieve financial wellness. Here are some of them:

  1. It helps you prioritize your spending: By allocating 80% of your income towards your expenses, you are forced to prioritize your spending and focus on your needs rather than your wants. This can help you avoid overspending, impulse buying, and accumulating debt.
  2. It encourages saving: By setting aside 10% of your income towards savings, you build a safety net for yourself and your family. This can help you deal with emergencies, unexpected expenses, and job loss.
  3. It promotes investment: By allocating 10% of your income towards investments, you build long-term wealth and secure your financial future. This can help you retire comfortably, provide for your children’s education, and achieve financial independence.
  4. It provides financial balance: By dividing your income into three categories, you create a balanced financial plan covering your present and future needs. This can help you avoid financial stress, anxiety, and uncertainty.

How To Use The 80 10 10 Rule Money:

Using the 80 10 10 rule of money is simple but requires discipline, planning, and consistency. Here are some steps to get started:

  1. Calculate your income: The first step is determining your monthly or yearly income. This can include your salary, bonuses, commissions, and other sources of income.
  2. Allocate your expenses: The next step is to allocate 80% of your income towards your expenses. This can include your rent or mortgage, utilities, groceries, transportation, and other bills.
  3. Set aside savings: The third step is to set aside 10% of your income towards your savings. This can include your emergency fund, debt repayment, or short-term goals.
  4. Invest for the future: The final step is to invest 10% of your income towards long-term financial goals such as retirement, education, or wealth accumulation. This can include investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate.


The 80 10 10 rule of money is a financial principle that can help you achieve financial wellness and security. You can create a balanced financial plan that covers your present and future needs by allocating your income towards your expenses, savings, and investments.

While it’s not a strict rule that applies to everyone, it’s a guideline that can be adjusted to your financial situation and goals. Remember, financial wellness requires discipline, planning, and consistency, but the rewards are worth the effort.